Thursday, August 19, 2010


So I'm still spending my days doing absolutely nothing, which is fine with me seeing as this coming semester is sure to be a tough one. I already know one of my professors gives a ton of small work to do every week paired along with a lot of reading, and I'm sure my online English class is going to be nothing but writing so that'll be tough. My only question mark will be the Medieval History professor who I've never taken anything with but his profile has excellent marks so here's hoping...

I've also got to get back into working out and eating healthy. I've been under constant stress over the past year and a half or so and I've allowed my health and well-being to take a backseat to everything else. I need to spend less money on going out and spend more time watching what I eat. Plus I need to add more time exercising other than the 2 days I go to the gym a week now.  Have to find that motivation, which is something I've never, ever been good at, but it helps that I might be going back to Germany in the winter and I'd like to meet my girlfriend's family in decent shape...can't go around being a walking stereotype of the fat, lazy American...haha. I've been thinking about trying to go Vegetarian for while to see how it goes, which will be tough being the avid meat eater that I am but it's a healthy way to go and my girlfriend is a Vegetarian so I might as well get used to it though I won't allow her to take meat away from me forever! Mmm steak.

But I digress. I've still got time before class to get my things in order and be ready for the semester. Here's to a strong start!

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