Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Un dia mas, un dia menos...

I haven't really been in the updating mood lately. I don't know why, I just haven't felt like I had anything to really talk about and when I did, I lacked the wherewithal to write it down. Lately I've just been around the house and only go out to work out or go to class. Speaking of which, I really need to get on the whole reading thing as I had planned because this semester is going to be filled with research which I need to do and am really not looking forward to it haha. On the workout side, I'm going to try to do something everyday, if not, at least 4 or 5 times a week.

On a more serious note, I've always been intrigued by the way people conduct themselves with others. It's always interesting for me to see how friends/people come and go with little to no warning. I do understand I'm not the perfect person, and can be quite annoying, but you'd think people would air their grievances with you rather than just leave. I guess I'm used to it by now, especially living on an online world where it's easy to just say fuck it and never have to talk to the other person again. It always hurts a bit though when someone you considered a friend decided they no longer want to talk to you. *shrug*

Anyway, aside from that I've got to start planning my trip to Germany. I really just need to get in shape and get through the semester with good grades. I've pretty much given up trying to learn the language because it's pretty much just me attempting to teach myself but I've got no way of knowing whether I'm right or wrong. Either way, I always have random conversations with myself in Germany so it's not like I'll forget it completely. Oh well.

Thursday, September 09, 2010

General Update

So I had this whole big sentimental post thing written up the other night but I've decided I probably won't post it due to it's mushiness and general emo-ness. I guess feeling down and watching RomComs will do that to you! haha

Anyway, just a quick update on everything. My power went out a couple of days ago and it took them like 8 hours to fix but thankfully it's back. FIOS is going to be installed on Monday and I cannot wait! Should be pretty awesome.

I've finished this sonnet I had to write for one of my history classes and now I'm just hanging out a bit before I go to campus for a Study Abroad meeting. I'll try to get something up more substantial later.

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Break into Asylum...

Been a while since I've last updated and I have no real excuse haha. I started class yesterday and this professor seems pretty cool. He's on the younger side and he's got hair in a pony tail halfway down his back which makes him badass to me! That class is the Medieval History class and he specializes in Medieval warfare and Byzantium which is pretty awesome. We talked a bit about the Late Roman Empire yesterday and we'll have a bit more to talk about next Tuesday as well. Class doesn't seem too bad as long as I read and start work on my paper early. I have my other class which is Intro to History tomorrow and we'll see how that goes!

In other news, I received the new Disturbed album yesterday and it's awesome, as usual. It's another classic Disturbed album and I definitely love the lyrical depth in this one. It leaves a lot of room for the imagination and to put your own thoughts and ideas into each song which I love. It's a lot like the Maiden album in that respect but this is a lot harder. Speaking of harder, the drums in this seem much more explosive and hard hitting...Mikey did a great job!

Also, I've booked my flight to Germany for the winter holidays! Definitely excited and looking forward to that but I've got hard work in losing some more weight and getting in shape before that haha..Plus I need to get my sober German as good as my drunk German :P

That's all for now! I know it's just a random update but I'll try to write something more substantial in the near future. Thanks!