Friday, August 13, 2010


Welcome to my blog! No idea how or why you stumbled across here but I do hope you enjoy your stay. I'm really a first time blogger and I can't say I've read too many so all this is mostly new to me. I don't really know how one starts one of these bad boys or whether people post a mission statement for their first post, so to speak. I can't say I have a theme or a general direction that I want to take this but will say that I decided to start a blog as a way to stimulate some parts of my brain that I feel have deteriorated over time due to general stagnation on my part. I don't want to use this as a way to preach or anything but want to share my general ideas, thoughts or whatever randomness comes to my head. In short, you'll probably see everything from intellectual ideas, to day to day general life things, to the most absurd things I can probably think of.

I will add a couple of things to the above. You won't see me post about politics or my thoughts on certain popular political topics as I do think it can be divisive. I'm all up for having an intelligent and respectful discussion on political themes but I don't want this blog to become that so I will try to stay away from it. James Madison had a great quote which I think summarizes my thoughts on the subject: "A zeal for different opinions..divided mankind into parties...and rendered them much more disposed to vex and oppress each other than to cooperate for their common good." Okay, that's all the political stuff you'll get out of me.

Also, I'm a history major at the moment so don't be surprised to find my random babblings on whatever historical topic I might be studying at the time. I love history and I'm always looking to learn and get opinions from other people as it fascinates me how they see the same events in different lights as others.

Anyway, I hope some of you stick around and if you don't, have a pleasant day on this series of tubes known as the internet.

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